SolutionsFlash Memory Catalog, Second Edition
Flash File Systems/ Media Managers
Flash software helps you utilize flash the way you need to use it. Flash File Systems oversee the handling of data (parameters, run-time modules, files, etc.) in flash. Flash Media Managers deal with the mundane low-level flash tasks such as virtual sectors creation, cleanup, wear-leveling, etc. so your code doesn't have to. The Utilities cover the rest of flash functionality and usability. Code is generally available in royalty-free source code or from third-party independent software vendors.

E2PROM Replacement (E2REPL!.EXE) Intel Corporation
Flash Data Integrator (FDI) Developer's Kit Intel Corporation
Flash Driver Template Software Intel Corporation
Flash Memory Manager (FMM) Intel Corporation
Flash SOFTWAREBuilder Intel Corporation
FTL Logger Intel Corporation
iBOOTLDR Remote Update Utility (IBOOTLDR.EXE) Intel Corporation
Linear File Store File Manager (LFS/LFM) Intel Corporation
Virtual Small Block File Manager (VSB/VFM) Intel Corporation
Embedded TrueFFS* Integrator Kit AnnaSoft
FLite* M-Systems
TrueFFS* and LFDC-1016 M-Systems
SwapFTL* Flash Translation Layer Software SCM Microsystems, Incorporated
Flash Translation Layer Software SystemSoft Corporation

* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation